Tải checkra1n jailbreak trên Windows

RemovalRa1n features: 

 ⁃ First world Windows jailbreak from iOS 12 to 14.8.1 

 ⁃ Supported devices: A8/A9/A10/A10X/A11

 ⁃ To be added: A7/A8X/A9X/T2 (soon)

 ⁃ FREE for everyone! 

System Requirements: 

Windows 8/8.1/10 – 32 or 64 bits (Windows 10 recommended).

Windows 11 will be supported on next update!

Windows Defender or any other antivirus must be disabled due to the app obfuscation! 

Tải checkra1n jailbreak cho Windows
Tải checkra1n jailbreak cho Windows


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