Lpro Bypass IOS 15 Hello Screen Download

Lpro Bypass IOS 15 Hello Screen Download

Lpro Magic Hello tool dùng để bypass các máy iPhone iPAD IOS 15 ở màn hình hello

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Bypass iOS15 without jailbreak and NO SIGNAL, use WIFI ONLY

Phone will support iCloud login and AppStore

DCSD Cable need for this operation


Step 1: Put DFU Mode

Step 2: Preload PwnDFU

Step 3: Preload Device(The Device Screen Will Turn Purple)

Change USB Cable > To > DCSD Cable at This Stage. Proceed to Step 4

Step 4: Preload Check(The Device Will Restart)

Preload Check Button The Function is to change the Serial Number of the Device

After the operation is Complete, the Device will automatically Restart

Step 5: Enter DFU Mode Again

Step 6: Run PwnDFU

Step 7: Boot Device

Step 8: Check SSH (Wait for the Button to light up to become this Check SSH ✔️)

Step 9: Activation Device

Wait for the Device to turn on and the Device is Successfully Activated



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